Time to go home

Michael Brossmann
Tue, 10. Dec 2019

It’s time to go, tomorrow at 7:45 I will be sitting in a plane to Miami and think about three extraordinary months in Latin America. Now I somehow have to get used to my life in Germany again. I don’t really want to go back to reality yet, but on the other hand, after one year in spain and latin america, it is alright to go back.

1 1/2 years more I will be in Münster, after that - who knows - I don’t know yet where I will do my master nor which master it will do exactly, but I am sure that it was not my last time in Latin America. As tourist, for work purposes or studying - in one way or another I will be back!

This will be the last entry of my blog (until the next trip), I hope you enjoyed reading and following my small adventures in Latin America!

Goodbye Latin America, Welcome back Germany!

PD: Since I wasn’t able to keep you updated about the last part of my travel here, I’ll give you at least some fun-facts about it:

La Paz - Coroico

  • high speed fun

  • incredible views

  • mud all over me

  • don’t always trust in Lonely Planet

  • Edwin, what a hero

  • Coroico, I see you next time, I promise! -


  • hot - hot - hot - humid - hot - hot

  • jungle fever

  • viagra tree vs. abortion seeds

  • leo, best cook ever

  • parrot paradise

  • cocktail apocalypse

  • always trust in french bakers

La Paz

  • two days of bad luck

  • souvenir shopping

  • rain, rain, rain

  • goodbye bolivia


  • 7 hours delay

  • movie marathon on 16 wheels

  • grey

  • red psycho lama

  • strange return to european atmosphere

  • pricy pricy pricy

  • rip off at the airport


  • sleepless nights - sleepless days

  • nude guy on the highway

  • food, more food, Bogotá

  • welcome to Salsa Colombiana

  • the great struggle to meet up with Juliana

  • fusion of European and Latino-Style

  • a tribute to the days (and nights) of Salamanca
